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Konspektai kursiniai referatai diplominiai

Problems of the planetparsisiųsti

Lapų skaičius: 1
Tipas: Rašinys
Darbe esantys žodžiai: No human being can stand apart from the environment because each of us is a part of a natural world. Our survival and survival of the future generations depend upon a healthy world. One of the major problems is the destruction of the rainforests. Traditionally there are three major causes of it: farming, ranching, and logging. Farmers in rainforest countries are often poor and can’t afford to buy land. Instead, these farmers clear rainforest land to grow their crops. Because tropical rainforest soil is so poor in nutrients, farmers can’t refuse the same land year after year. In following years, farmers just clear more land, destroying the forest piece by piece.

Proper names translation in children’s literatureparsisiųsti

Lapų skaičius: 12
Tipas: Kursinis
Darbe esantys žodžiai: Introduction. Theoretical analysis of proper names in children’s literature. Definition of proper names. Classification of proper names. Functions of proper names. Children’s literature. Translation.the role of a translator.translation strategies for proper names. Analysis of proper names in children’s literature. Methodology. Analysis of proper names classification. Analysis of proper names translation. Conclusions. Summary. References. The empirical analysis is provided according to the logics of the research provided in the methodology. First of all, 58 names of fictional characters have been collected from 5 Walt Disney’s stories: Lion King; The many adventures of Winnie the Pooh; Snow White; Cinderella and Pocahontas. Secondly, names have been grouped according to Anna Fornalczyk’s classification of proper names. As it has been mentioned before, Fornalczyk underlines four types of proper names: realistic names and surnames, intentional and authentic names. The performed classification of collected authroponyms gives the following information: intentional names are generally used in children’s literature. They have accounted for 70% of collected names. As has been introduced in the theoretical part (see chapter 1.2) intentional names are names which were used in wordplays; onomatopoeias, neologisms; or when the author’s intention of stressing a particular aspect of a given character is visible. According to collected data can be distinguished 3 categories of intentional names. The first can be names with evident connotation, e.g. names witch obviously present exceptional features of characters. They are often adapted to the target culture that is the reason why readers can easily identify them.

Public administration in Lithuaniaparsisiųsti

Lapų skaičius: 8
Tipas: Referatas
Darbe esantys žodžiai: Firstly, public administration is associated with realization of public politics. Wilson had opposited politics with administration. Considering to which, by his words, should realize politics. Currently public administration is not only a realization of public politics. Mostly it‘s enunciation of public politics. Also, public administration obsesses state craft, offering of public services or control of private activity. Additionally, description of public administration can be delivered separately. Public administration can be understood like a realization of law acts or application of inside law acts. In Lithuanian statute of Public administration is written that public administration can be used for public services, other law acts or for other activity of authorized subjects.

Rojaus paukštis. (The bird of paradise)parsisiųsti

Lapų skaičius: 1
Tipas: Esė
Darbe esantys žodžiai: The bird of paradise. The bird of paradise is well-known worldwide for its amazing chirping and wide variety of significant colours such as yellow, blue, scarlet and shapes of plumage during the mating season. These features distinguish them as some of the world's most dramatic and attractive birds. Undoubtedly, they deserve such name. Some of them have a long tail and flank feathers, the others are adorned with colourful feathers around the neck. It depends on species. The diet of the birds is dominated by fruit and arthropods. Birds of paradise can be found mostly in New Guinea, Australia and surrounding islands. Interesting fact is that the colourful plumage is used to attract females during their breeding season. Usually, males peac.

Rolandas Paksasparsisiųsti

Lapų skaičius: 1
Tipas: Rašinys
Darbe esantys žodžiai: One beautiful spring afternoon I was riding my bike. When I got home I saw Rolandas looking into my window I was very nervous. He was smiling. Then I took my knife and I told him to stop smiling or I would feed him to the lions who were sleeping in my bedroom.


Lapų skaičius: 2
Tipas: Rašinys
Darbe esantys žodžiai: Sport. Some people like sport, some hate it. Which side are you on?In what ways is sport important to people?Who is you favourite sportsman/woman?Why? Sport-health say many people. Why?Because sport is youth, energy and health. People who are fond of sport are always strong, bouncy and lively. However, not all people are fond of sport so that’s why they are always mean, sleepy, nerverless and nervous. Firstly, I’m in that side of people who are fond of sports. Why?Because I like sport. I like to radiate energy and be lively. My favourite sport is cycling. It is very good free-time spending. At the summer two my friends and I were going to my country. The way was long, almost 40 kilometres. We leave our homes at 4 p. m. in the morning. The trip was very exciting. We were cycling almost five hours. The first thing we did when we were at the country was swimming. It was the best refresh after so long and hard trip. .

Summary about leaderparsisiųsti

Lapų skaičius: 1
Tipas: Esė
Darbe esantys žodžiai: I want to talk about a leader. First of all Leadership is defined as ‘the process in which an individual influences the group of individuals to attain a common goal’. The goal is attained by mutual cooperation and regular behaviour. A leader infuses a sense of positivity and directs others to reach the specified goal.

Telefoniniai pokalbiai versleparsisiųsti

Lapų skaičius: 10
Tipas: Referatas
Darbe esantys žodžiai: Introduction. Telephone calls at work. When transferring a phone call. Mobile phone. Conclusions. The telephone is often the first point of contact a customer or client will have with a company so it is very important that you make a good impression when you’re answering the phone. Obviously in specific telephone-related jobs such as sales, customer service and marketing, you’re going to need to adopt different styles and techniques in order to be successful, such as being able to handle difficult complaint calls or being persuasive enough to encourage people to buy a product or service from your company but in general terms, even if you only answer the phone as a routine matter of course as part of your overall duties, there are guidelines and etiquette to be followed.

The advantages and disadvantages of living a democratic societyparsisiųsti

Lapų skaičius: 1
Tipas: Rašinys
Darbe esantys žodžiai: Nowadays people discuss about living in democratic or monarchic countries. Some people feel that democratic is the best way of living while others feel that one-man control is better. The major advantage of democracy is that every people who live in country can take their part in government. Besides, government can be changed by people without violence. Society need to vote very often to elect government. Moreover, people are equal and free so they can tell their own opinion anytime. Humans can go to other countries and back when they want. 3 kl.


Lapų skaičius: 1
Tipas: Rašinys
Darbe esantys žodžiai: Almost everything about this dinosaur - the four-foot-long jaw, the six-inch-long teeth, and the huge thigh bones - bespeaks the enormous power of Tyrannosaurus rex, one of the largest theropod (or meat-eating) dinosaurs that ever existed. Most of the bones here are real, fossilized Tyrannosaurus bones. They are from two specimens discovered in Montana by Museum paleontologist Barnum Brown in 1902 and These 65-million-year-old bones were once arranged so that the dinosaur stood upright, propped on its tail. Based on new research, however, Museum scientists determined that it was more accurate to show Tyrannosaurus rex mounted on two feet, in a stalking position, with its head low, tail extended, and one foot slightly raised. The dinosaur in this position is equally if not more terrifying than before, with implications of speed added to its obvious strength and size. While the Tyrannosaurus rex is posed as if it is stalking prey, we do not .

